Our Mission:
to reduce sexual violence against women.
Photo from May 2022 Train-the-Trainer
Flip the Script with EAAA® Works
Our program works because it is based on the realities of sexual assault and the best science available.
Designed for self-identified women (17- 24) because young women (including trans-women) are disproportionately affected by sexual assault.
Emphasizes that most sexual assaults occur in homes or other situations where women should be able to feel safe.
Encourages women to trust themselves when they feel something is not right.
Creates a space for exploration of women’s sexual desires and right to defend their boundaries.
Builds the confidence women need to challenge perpetrators who are most often men they know (e.g., friends, friends of friends, new or established romantic or sexual partners).
Helps women develop tools and strategies that allow them to live freely without restricting their quality of life.
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Evidence that Flip the Script with EAAA® Works
Broad social change is needed, however, the Flip the Script with EAAATM program for women works now to reduce the sexual violence that women students experience by 50%.
For every 13 women enrolled in Flip the Script with EAAA®, one attempted/completed rape is prevented during the next year.
Importantly, the program also increases women’s confidence and reduces self-blame if a sexual assault does occur. Positive effects last at least two years.
At every step we have designed, tested, and redeveloped content, activities, and modes of delivery to ensure the program is:
based on the best research evidence to address the social and emotional obstacles that young women face when confronting the realities of sexual assault;
inclusive and applicable for self-identified women across differences in race, ethnicity, and sexual identity, physical ability, and levels of sexual experience;
trauma informed education -- designed with the knowledge that survivors of sexual assault would be present in every workshop;
The SARE Centre is the Canadian non-profit set up to help Universities/Colleges and community organizations implement the Flip the Script with EAAA® program in their context. The SARE Centre’s goal is to make Flip the Script with EAAA® widely accessible to self-identified women students. We provide Train-the-Trainer workshops on a cost recovery basis. Women who attend learn to hire, train, and supervise facilitators who offer the program in their own universities and communities.
Donate to the SARE Centre. We operate on a bare-bones cost recovery model. We try whenever possible to offer spaces in the Train-the-Trainer workshop to women from small sexual assault centres/community organizations who could not otherwise afford to attend. We also get asked to provide the Flip the Script with EAAA® program to young women in regions/communities where it is not otherwise available.